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Biblical Leadership: The Principles Behind Purposeful Leadership of Youth

Among many leadership styles – with their characteristics - one type is mostly underemphasized. This type allows you to find a greater purpose in why you are leading in today's ever-complicated world. This leadership style is Biblical Leadership. Biblical leadership focuses on guiding us to become better leaders than just simply leading others towards specific goals. Biblical leadership has presented principles based on The Bible for a leader to put into practice. A leadership style that enables people to achieve their full potential, not only to achieve but surpass their goals in God's will.

As young leaders, our ideals and values are constantly being challenged. This goes with how we lead and serve, too. The youth are constantly bombarded with information that can influence how they view the world, interact with others, and make choices for themselves and others. To be great, a young leader must have a solid foundation of values to lean on in every situation faced, whether difficult or not.

Hence, here are the biblical leadership principles that every young leader must practice.


Humility teaches us to become free from pride and arrogance. It helps us become humble. When leaders can set aside their pride, they open the door for learning and growth. Young leaders must control their pride and arrogance, especially when faced with difficulties. One must have the ability to admit that they are wrong. Hence, a leader with humility can listen, be educated, and make well-informed decisions – making the best possible course of action.

Servant Leadership

Through servant leadership, we show others that our authority is vested in us by those we lead. Furthermore, such authority will eventually end. Young leaders must understand that the opportunity to lead others is a product of the trust given by the people and blessed by God. Through such a realization, a leader will be more willing to make the most significant impact with a thankful heart.

Devotion to Followers

Jesus taught us to love others as how we love ourselves. This teaching also applies to leadership. To become a great leader, one must love themselves fully. To acknowledge one's strengths and weaknesses. Use your strength to help and guide those you lead and find strength from others to overcome weaknesses. Young leaders must show their devotion to serving to the best of their abilities, and in turn, people will willingly show their support to you when you need a helping hand.

Divine Submission

Some leaders fall into the idea that they are greater and smarter than those they lead. However, biblical leadership emphasizes acknowledging that a leader is not all-powerful and all-knowing. A great leader must first submit to the divine (God) to fully acknowledge that the followers are their equals. It will allow a leader to see each person as a divine progeny worthy of being respected, heard, and served. A leader that submits to God will gain the fruit of equality – humility, servant leadership, and devotion.


As Jesus was clear about his mission's vision, a great leader should be too. All great leaders were grounded in their prime vision of the world they wished to create through their unique way of leadership. Young leaders must find their vision – a vision that has the power to unite and provide a strong, transcendent goal. Additionally, having a vision will guide you in creating ways to challenge people to improve the world together.

It is undeniable that young leaders stand differently in leadership styles. Still, the beauty of the biblical leadership style is that it can complement your current leadership style. It allows you to lead with a greater sense of purpose, stronger conviction, and, most importantly, lead others with a kind and blessed heart.


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