Applying for a job with no relevant experience can be nerve-wracking. But here at Ripple VAs, you can be a virtual assistant with proper training from the experts.

Chief Training Officer Liezel Lumiguid is one of the pioneers of the company and has been working as a virtual assistant for a couple of years.
"I received a lot of questions or queries about this, and one of the most frequent questions that I received was, "Do we need to have VA experience before applying as virtual assistants in Ripple?" said Lumiguid. "The answer is you don’t actually need to have VA experience once you apply to this company because your previous experience with your company will suffice."
She stressed that Ripple offers free mentorship to train prospective applicants and enhance their skills before onboarding.
"This is a personal initiative of the company to uplevel their skills because we are intentionally investing in their growth."
Lumiguid added that in 2023, Ripple will be investing more in training seminars and workshops by offering masterclasses via a blend of synchronous and asynchronous modes of learning.